Food, Life & Failures

The Long
Road to Purpose

Welcome to my blog, I share my life experiences, cooking attempts and general nonsense 🙂

As Featured On

I’m not actually featured anywhere, but this section looks cool


I’m just trying to be me, doing what I got to do. Some people think that I’m just sitting on top of the world. My life is real so please don’t get it twistedProblems the same and got to be dealt with

Gracie A

What I have tried to cook


I can’t actually cook lol 

Restaurant Adventures

Eating Out Catalogue

Harissa Habibi from Farmer J
Steak from Flat Iron
Pad Thai at Mudmee Thai Restaurant
Apple pie and custard at Humble Crumble

Weight Loss Meal Plans

I’ve been on a diet for about 30 years and I have gained and lost the same 1lb over 100 times. I am not sure if I will ever get it right, but this year (2023) I have decided to try and plan ahead rather that find myself with a grumbling tummy and a head full of question marks wondering what I should eat. 

New Family Member

Puia the Cat

I am not really a cat person, so I am not sure how I ended up with one. I don’t mind it though. It only bothers me to scratch and bite me. The name puia is quite fitting, it’s Romanian for chicken and this cat is afraid of everything.

Amazon Venture

Bento Lunch Box

This was one of my first products on Amazon but it failed because the quality was poor and there was far too much competition.

Fire Starter

Firestarter – why? it was light and cheap. But I am not a camper, so I didn’t really understand the audience or had any interest in this product.

Hair Brush

Third time lucky? Not really – this one failed as well because there was no differentiation and too much competition. Everyone was selling this product.

Bamboo Straws
Mini Diffuser
Women’s Wallet

My investments

I am hoping to be a millionaire by yesterday. 


I think this company might bankrupt me eventually. It’s extremely volatile. 


AGNC Investment Corp is a real estate investment trust that invests in agency residential mortgage-backed securities. It doesn’t seem to move much though.

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